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yoga lessons with melissa lomas


I began practising Yoga in 1991 as a teenager and continued to attend group classes and workshops over the next few years, becoming increasingly interested in deepening my practice and study. I started teaching groups in 2001 alongside starting a 2-year teacher training course.

association for yoga studies I then started to work with Individuals in 2003 while continuing to study teaching Yoga on a therapeutic basis. I have taught in South East and Central London, and currently teach in South Yorkshire, and also at other locations in the UK.

Individual Yoga Lessons

I teach Yoga to Individuals on weekdays by appointment.

Working on an Individual basis is an opportunity for students to deepen their practice; their understanding of Yoga; and the way in which they incorporate their Yoga practice into their day-to-day lives. Individual Yoga lessons can also be very helpful on a therapeutic basis where there is a particular physical, mental or emotional issue to explore, manage or resolve.

This way of working can also be very helpful for students who are unable to commit to a weekly class, and who wish to establish a Yoga practice that works around their day-to-day routine.

Individual lessons last up to 1½ hours and students typically book in a lesson once every 4 – 6 weeks. Each Individual lesson allows time for consultation, tailoring the Yoga practice to meet the student’s needs and interests, and time to work through the practice together. Students then take away a copy of the practice to work on at home.

Lessons are available in person at my Practice Space in South Yorkshire, or online via Skype or Zoom.

Individual Yoga Lesson£45
Individual Yoga Lessons

Yoga Lessons Testimonials

Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth

I trained in Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth with Vivien Tallis in Bristol in 2009. I offer Individual Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth lessons on weekdays by appointment.

Each woman has a different experience of pregnancy and birth, and each individual pregnancy encompasses a huge variety of changes physically, mentally and emotionally. Working with women on an individual basis allows me to adapt my teaching to meet the changing needs of each woman throughout the duration of her pregnancy, preparation for birth and beyond.

Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth Classes

Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth lessons can encompass movement, breathwork, relaxation, meditation, chanting, sound and visualisation. Lessons last up to 1½ hours, and students usually book in on a monthly basis for the duration of their pregnancy to accommodate their changing needs for practice. There is time for consultation and working through the tailored practice, which is then taken away to work with at home.

Lessons are available in person at my Practice Space in South Yorkshire, or online via Skype or Zoom.

Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth Lesson£45

Chant and Sound

Chant and Sound have been an integral part of my personal practice since 1997, and part of my Yoga teaching practice since 2014. In 2022 I completed a 3-year Vedic Chant training with Sadhana Mala in Malvern, Gloucestershire and Sheela Shankar of Yoga Nidhi, based in Chennai India. The ancient Indian practice of Vedic Chanting is deeply meditative, both in terms of the focus needed for sanskrit accuracy and the resonant meaning of the chants themselves. Structured Vedic chanting coupled with more freeform sound work allows confidence in our voice and self-expression to develop and grow; it is a practice that has far reaching effects on our day to day life and experience.

Group Chant and Sound

I offer fortnightly Sounding Out groups on Saturday mornings 10.00 am – 12 noon online via Zoom. Zoom recordings are always available if you are unable to make a particular session. I arrange sessions around changing themes, from ‘peace’ to ‘growth’, and then choose appropriate chants or soundwork to explore these themes. These sessions are an opportunity to learn and explore a wide variety of different chants, they allow time to stay with the meditative qualities of each chant, and promote confidence and a sense of being comfortable with your own voice.

Group Sounding Out Lessons£12
group chant and sound melissa lomas

Individual Chant Lessons

individual chant lessons melissa lomas

I also offer Individual Chant lessons on weekdays by appointment, either in person at my practice space in South Yorkshire, or online via Skype or Zoom.

These lessons are 1 ½ hours and are an opportunity for focussed sound and chant work. They allow time to learn new chants in more detail and to fine tune your chanting practice. These lessons also provide space to explore the therapeutic application of chant and sound as well as some of the meaning and contemporary relevance of these ancient chants.

Individual Chant Lessons£45

Chant Workshops

I offer Chant workshops online via zoom several times a year to explore a theme or chant in more detail than is possible in the fortnightly Sounding Out groups. These focussed sessions allow an expanded understanding of these chants, some of their meaning, and the contemporary relevance of these ancient sounds.

Chant workshops vary in length and price depending on the chant or theme being explored. Zoom recordings of the workshops are always available afterwards if you are unable to attend on a particular date or time.

chant workshops melissa lomas

Collective Sound Baths

collective sound baths melissa lomas

Small Group sessions using Tibetan Singing Bowls are offered several times a year in person in my practice space in South Yorkshire.

These sessions last 1 hour and are an opportunity to share and collectively create a Sound Bath together. A variety of different sized Singing Bowls are available to share, and you are invited to bring your own too. The hour is silent except for the sound of the bowls. The sound created by each different group, in each different session is unique.

Collective Sound Bath Session£10

Chanting Testimonials


A Monthly Meditation Group is offered either in person at my Practice Space in South Yorkshire, or online via Zoom.

Meditation sessions last 1 hour and are arranged into sections. In the first section I lead a guided meditation on a particular theme, we then take a break for any questions, comment and feedback. In the second section we share a silent meditation on the same theme and then finish the session by sharing our experiences of the practice.

Meditation Session£10
meditation melissa lomas

Meditation Testimonials

Yoga Workshops and Retreats

  • June 2024

    pavamana suktam chant workshop, zoom

    pavamana suktam chant workshop, zoom

    An online workshop exploring the chant pavamana suktam

    This chant to the God of Wind, pavamana, asks repeatedly for purification, and is full of movement and flow.  In this workshop we will practise the chant, in a call and repeat mode, and then explore what meaning the concept of purification might have for us, before we run through the chant a second time, this time imbued with personal resonance.

  • April 2024

    Charity Sound Bath, South Yorkshire

    Charity Sound Bath, South Yorkshire

    An hour of soothing, calm, soft sound

    Join in to make the bowls sing or just relax and enjoy the sound. All proceeds to the British Red Cross to support their work across the globe.

  • January 2024

    camakam chant workshop, zoom

    camakam chant workshop, zoom

    An online meditative and contemplative workshop

    A workshop exploring an expanded understanding of the chant camakam. As we begin another year, what do we need?  What do we want? What can we share? This will be a slow, meditative exploration of this chant.

  • December 2023

    Charity Sound Bath

    Charity Sound Bath

    An hour of soothing, calm, soft sound

    Join in to make the bowls sing or just relax and enjoy the sound. All proceeds to the British Red Cross to support their work across the globe.

  • April 2023

    Spring Yoga Retreat

    Spring Yoga Retreat

    Elmley National Nature Reserve, Isle of Sheppey, Kent

    With Melissa Lomas and Philip Copestake.
    Our theme for the weekend is Movement and Stillness, Sound and Silence, and the environment at Elmley gives us ample opportunity to explore this theme, both within ourselves during our planned practices and also around us on the reserve, surrounded by nature and space. Over the weekend we will share yoga, chant, meditation, creativity and walks, as well as wonderful food and good company.

  • February 2023

    Charity Sound Bath

    Charity Sound Bath

    An hour of soothing, calm, soft sound

    Join in to make the bowls sing or just relax and enjoy the sound. All proceeds to the Disasters Emergency Committee to support their work across the globe.

  • October 2020

    Yoga Retreat Week

    Yoga Retreat Week

    Isle of Raasay, Scotland

    With Melissa Lomas and Philip Copestake.
    The theme for the retreat will be The Elements. We will work with a variety of practices exploring and investigating the different characters of each of the five elements – earth, water, fire, air and ether – how we relate to them, how they register with us, and how they are expressed in us. The practices will include Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation, Meditation, Yoga Sutra Study, Chanting, Mindful practices and Creative work. The practices will take place on site at Raasay House, in our dedicated practice space and weather permitting in the grounds and surrounding areas. There will also be the chance to take part in additional activities, such as walking, sea/loch kayaking, sailing or boat trips.

  • April

    Basunti, India 2020 Retreat

    Basunti, India 2020 Retreat

    basunti lakeside retreat, himalayan foothills, himachal pradesh, north india

    With Melissa Lomas and Philip Copestake
    The theme for the retreat will be The Cakras.
    We will make the most of the amazing environment at Basunti to explore the seven energy centres of the body. We will focus on one cakra each day, using a variety of practices and the elements all around, to expand our awareness of each energy centre.

  • August 2019

    A day of Sound, Chant and Meditation

    A day of Sound, Chant and Meditation

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    Share a day of Sound, Chant, Meditation and Movement.

  • June 2019

    Old habits, New perspectives

    Old habits, New perspectives

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    A workshop using Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Study to explore, understand and begin to shift old habits and perspectives, of ourselves, others and the world around us.

  • April 2019

    Isle of Raasay 2019 Retreat

    Isle of Raasay 2019 Retreat

    raasay house hotel, isle of raasay, scottish highlands

    With Melissa Lomas and Philip Copestake

    The theme for the retreat will be Perspective.

    We will work with a variety of practices to encourage us to entertain a different perspective; to understand our current perspective and to look at ourselves, others, and our lives from a different point of view.

  • December 2018

    Layers of Self

    Layers of Self

    A workshop using Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and creativity to explore and understand our different layers of self.

    The workshop will be based on the ancient Indian model of Pancamaya – the 5 layers of self – body, breath, mind, understanding and bliss.

  • Summer 2018

    Summer Yoga and Creativity Days

    Summer Yoga and Creativity Days

    A morning of themed yoga practices followed by an afternoon of creativity.

  • April 2018

    Patterns of Breath – Patterns of Life

    Patterns of Breath – Patterns of Life

    A workshop using Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and discussion to explore our patterns of breathing and our patterns of living.

    We will investigate all four parts of the breath – the inhale, the exhale, the pauses and also the result.

  • February 2018

    Sparsa, India 2018 Retreat

    Sparsa, India 2018 Retreat

    Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

    With Melissa Lomas and Philip Copestake
    The theme for the retreat will be Nourishment. When we nourish ourselves, we feed ourselves; we encourage and foster positive feelings and ideas; we provide ourselves with what is necessary for life and growth. For this retreat we invite you to join us and nourish your body, breath, mind and spirit, with a wide range of practices.

    The practices will include Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation, Meditation, Chanting, Mindful practices, Ayurvedic practices and Creative work. There will also be the opportunity to practice as a group on outings to Mount Arunachala and the Ramana Maharishi Ashram and also the Siva Temple in Thiruvannamalai. There will be free time each day to swim, take a massage and have some quiet reflective time in the beautiful grounds of Sparsa.

  • December 2017

    Hands and Feet

    Hands and Feet

    A workshop using Yoga, Meditation and Creativity to encourage a deeper awareness of our hands and feet. To explore how we use, work and release the hands and feet as we practise and in day to day life.

    How do we move our hands and feet through space?

    How do we make contact with the body and the ground as we practise?

    How do the hands and feet support us and how are they supported?

    What kind of relationship do we have with the hands and feet?

  • May 2017

    Springtime Mindful Morning

    Springtime Mindful Morning

    A morning of yoga, gardening and collaborative springtime mandala making – moving, breathing, clearing, gathering and creating.

  • December 2016

    Winter Mindful Morning

    Winter Mindful Morning

    A morning of yoga, gardening and collaborative winter mandala making -moving, breathing, clearing, gathering and creating.

  • November 2016

    Winter Mindfulness in the Garden

    Winter Mindfulness in the Garden

    Winter is a time of change and reflection. This day retreat is an opportunity to pause for a while and explore what this time of year means for us, to recognise its gifts as well as its challenges.

    The practices will be a mixture of gentle movement, breathwork, mindful work and meditation. The emphasis will be on cultivating kindness and compassion for ourselves and others.

    We will try to do as much of this work as possible outdoors, weather permitting, bringing an appreciation of nature and the changing season into our practice. Sometimes we just need to step out of the relentless “busy-ness” of life and investigate a different way of being.

    This event will be jointly led by Donald of Wellpresent and Melissa Lomas. It is intended to be gentle introduction to mindfulness using the practices of meditation and yoga.

    We will also explore ways in which we can bring a meditative awareness into daily activity.

  • August 2016

    Yoga Workshop

    Yoga Workshop

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    This will be a day to explore our relationship to the actions of others, using a mixture of asana, pranayama, chanting, meditation and discussion.

  • June 2016

    Midsummer Mindfulness and Yoga

    Midsummer Mindfulness and Yoga

    A day of mindful activity, meditation and yoga in the beautiful surroundings of Old Moor Nature Reserve. This will be a chance to practice and explore the qualities that this time of year brings to us.

    This is a silent day retreat with guidance from Donald of Wellpresent and Melissa Lomas. The day includes a formal, silent meal of delicious home-made food as well as the usual elements of working meditation, body work, sitting meditation and relaxation.

  • February 2014

    sparsa, india 2014 retreat

    sparsa, india 2014 retreat

    Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

    With Melissa Lomas and Clare Walters
    Join us on a retreat to replenish yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically. Each day the meditation sessions will lead you to a deeper state of peace, acceptance and enlightenment.

    Yoga sessions including Asana, Pranayama, sound and contemplation, will support you mentally, energetically and emotionally, complementing and echoing the meditation sessions. Discussion sessions will provide support and guidance on your own personal spiritual journey as the week unfolds.

    There will be free time each day to explore the spiritual town of Thiruvannamalai, climb and walk around the holy Mount Arunachala, visit the Shiva temple, meditate in Ramana’s caves and ashram or relax in local cafes and restaurants. Or, if you prefer, you can simply swim, take a massage and have some quiet reflective time in the beautiful grounds of Sparsa.

  • October 2013

    Yoga Workshop for Women

    Yoga Workshop for Women

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    A workshop on Yoga for Women, exploring the cycle of the month and the waxing and waning moon. Using asana, pranayama and meditation to optimise and support a woman’s changing energy over the course of a month.

  • October 2013

    Autumn Silent Yoga Day

    Autumn Silent Yoga Day

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    The day will be predominantly silent, with practices at the beginning and end of the day using some sound to help move into and out of the silent practice. The silent practices include Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation and Meditation. This retreat is an opportunity to explore how we would like to approach our lives with the fading light.

  • March 2013

    Spring Silent Yoga Day

    Spring Silent Yoga Day

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    The day will be predominantly silent, with practices at the beginning and end of the day using some sound to help move into and out of the silent practice. The silent practices include Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation and Meditation. The day is a week before the clocks change in Spring, and this retreat is an opportunity to explore what we would like to bring into our lives with the gaining light.

  • December 2012

    Winter Day Retreat

    Winter Day Retreat

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    A workshop exploring the appropriate asana, pranayama and meditation for the winter months, using the principles of ayurveda, the Indian system of health and healing to guide us.

  • September 2012

    Autumn Day Retreat

    Autumn Day Retreat

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    A workshop exploring the appropriate asana, pranayama and meditation for the autumn, using the principles of ayurveda, the Indian system of health and healing to guide us.

  • June 2012

    Summer Day Retreat

    Summer Day Retreat

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    A workshop exploring the appropriate asana, pranayama and meditation for the summer months, using the principles of ayurveda, the Indian system of health and healing to guide us.

  • March 2012

    Spring Day Retreat

    Spring Day Retreat

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    A workshop exploring the appropriate asana, pranayama and meditation for the springtime, using the principles of ayurveda, the Indian system of health and healing to guide us.

  • September 2011

    Yoga Workshop

    Yoga Workshop

    South Yorkshire

    A workshop looking at the third, fourth and fifth of the eight limbs of yoga – asana, pranayama and pratyahara – postures, breathwork, and sensory awareness. Using asana, pranayama, chanting and yoga sutra study to explore these concepts.

  • August 2011

    Yoga Workshop

    Yoga Workshop

    South Yorkshire

    A workshop looking at the first two of the eight limbs of yoga – yama and niyama – our attitudes towards ourselves, others, and the world around us. Using asana, pranayama, chanting and yoga sutra study to explore these concepts.

  • August 2010

    Summer Day Retreat

    Summer Day Retreat

    South Yorkshire

    A Day Retreat exploring the principles of Kriya Yoga, the Yoga of Action, comprising tapas – practice, svadhyaya – study, and isvarapranidhana – surrender. This Yoga of Action is a Yoga that involves us on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Kriya Yoga is a way of life rather than just time spent on the yoga mat. We will be using asana, pranayama, chanting and meditation, and looking at the relevant Yoga Sutras.

  • July 2010

    Yoga Workshop

    Yoga Workshop

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    Understanding Samskara. Samskara is a Sanskrit word meaning habit or conditioning. Samskaras can be positive or negative. Habits are the residue or imprints left by our past actions and behaviour. These habits can then dictate how we act and behave in the present. Our habits can be beneficial or harmful for us. Why are some habits so hard to let go of? Why are some positive habits so difficult to stick to? This workshop will be an opportunity to explore our samskaras using asana, pranayama, chanting and meditation. We will also be looking at the relevant Yoga Sutras.

  • April 2010

    Spring Day Retreat

    Spring Day Retreat

    South Yorkshire

    A Day Retreat looking at understanding the klesa – the five fundamental obstacles in life that cause us pain and suffering. This day of Yoga will be an opportunity to look at these five obstacles and begin to understand how they impact our lives, on many different levels. We will also look at how our Yoga practice can help us with the klesa. We will be using asana, pranayama, chanting and meditation, and looking at the relevant Yoga Sutras.

  • November 2009

    Yoga Workshop

    Yoga Workshop

    High Flatts Friends Meeting House, West Yorkshire

    Exploring the Dvandva. The Dvandva are the pairs of opposites, such as hot and cold, movement and stillness, light and dark, birth and death. Very often these inevitable opposites can bring tension, conflict and disturbance. Patanjali tells us that if we practise asana correctly then we are better able to cope with the dvandva. We will be using asana, pranayama and meditati

Yoga Retreats Testimonials

Find out more

I’d love to hear from you with any questions, feedback or comments. Please call, or email and I’ll be in touch with you soon.